Your Resume Needs to be 1-Page

If you have a resume that’s longer than 1-page, you need to read this.

A multi-page resume says:

  1. You don’t know how to edit your information to amplify what’s important.

  2. You think every job you’ve ever had is relevant to every position you’re applying for.

  3. You think a recruiter will read more than 1-page.

  4. You think a recruiter will read the 8 bullet points you wrote under a job. Under every job.

  5. You are probably way too wordy in how you communicate in general.

Your resume will be looked at for about 6 seconds if it makes it to human eyes. How much can you read in 6 seconds?! Yes, many companies use ATS (applicant tracking software). This is not a reason to write a novel to get all the key words in that you think should be in your resume.

Have a short, effective summary statement below your name and contact info. Include your work experience, education, and any other special info. Be concise. Explain what you did plus the impact of it. Sell. Yourself. Effectively. Need more help? There’s a full chapter in my book on resumes and much more.


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